Friday 23 March 2012

Cultural heritage is the legacy of cultural property and intangible attributes of a group that are inherited from past generations, and it is now conserve and bestow for the future generations. It is an unique and irreplaceable, which places the responsibility of preservation on the current generations. Such grassroots organization like the international body of UNESCO, United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, which have been successful to gain the necessary support to preserve the heritage of many nations for the future.

The Constitution of UNESCO was established and signed by 37 countries at 16 November 1945. During the current year 2012, World Heritage list include 936 properties had formed part of the cultural and natural heritage which the World Heritage Committee consider as having outstanding universal value.

Asian Heritage Spot

Malaysia Heritage Spot

There are over 725 cultural, 183 natural, and 28 mixed properties in 189 States Parties have been ratified the World Heritage Convention.

In Malaysia, George Town and Melaka were added to the list of the UNESCO World Heritage Site on 7 July 2008. These two Mlaysian Capitals thus joined the ranks of Gunung Mulu National Park and Kinabalu,
which both inscribed into the list in 2000.

 Places that have been recognized as world heritage sites in George Town are Fort Cornwallis, Weld Quay, Breach Street, Esplanade, including the "ethnic Streets" like the mosque and wakaf enclave of Acheen Street, Farquhar Street (Eurasians) , Air Itam (Old Chinese) and Masjid Kapitam Keling Road (formerly Pitt Street, Islamic Indian)

Penang has preserved the rich legacies of its Islamic, Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist, Hindu, Sikh and Christian communities. The Legacies can be seen in Penang's culture, architecture and contemporary religious practices. The bygone diaspora communities of Armenians and Jews are remembers in histioric sites and street names.

Today, the city of George Town capital of Penang, is blessed with more than 100 spiritual sites built by consecutive waves of migrants and sojourners. Although the part settlement has developed into a modern city, George Town remains the spiritual heartland for diverse communities whose ancestors settled in Penang before moving on the other parts of Malaysia, South-east Asia and the world.

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